
Showing posts from September, 2014

Delivered - Rhabi Rites : Xlibris

Delivered - Rhabi Rites : Xlibris

New Danger...Old Enemy

In this day and time we are faced with all kinds of dangers...but the one danger we are faced with that seems new to an old danger that has been somewhat ignored.  We hear of ISIS and the Taliban..we hear of crimes happening all over the world from domestic violence in our NFL to children left in cars...but the one thing that underlies all of these dangers is something..that has been around since the beginning of time.  Our minds.... When you get to the bottom of it all...crime starts where...adultery starts where....feeling insignificant and insecure starts where...feeling one can overtake the world or feeling that "I can  jump the fence to the White House starts!  That's right...the bible declares in Proverbs 23:7 "for as a man thinketh in his is he" this mind danger has been around for quite some time.  Look at Cain and Able...look even before that at the serpent who spoke to Eve in the garden.  He...


It is domestic violence awareness month and I applaud all of those who have had the courage to step away from those who have been abusing them...and even those who are waiting for the chance.  I even applaud those who want to leave but at the present moment...can't...why...because they have the heart to do so but their lives may be in danger of the lives of their children...and my prayer is that the opportunity to leave will present itself...soon.  But for those who have chosen to stay for whatever applause for you...why..because you are blind to what is happening to you physically, mentally, sexually in some cases and even spiritually.  You stay because you love them...and because you think things will get better..... Your abuser does you.  Your abuser is not sorry every time they use your face as a punching bag.  Your abuser is not pitiful as he or she...may seem.  Your abuser is a monster who needs you cannot giv...

Raise Your Glass...

It's Monday again and I am sure you have something to raise your glass to.  What did you accomplish last week?  What new project did you start?  What new contacts did you make?  If you have an answer to all of these questions, a positive answer, then you should raise your glass.  Each new day we should strive to go a little dream a little start a little sooner...and when you do, you have made a major step in fulfilling your dreams...raise your glass! When they said you could not do it, that you did not have what it takes...and you not only did it but did it with a sense of pride and fulfillment...raise your glass! When they said you would be nothing or amount to anything and you not only amounted but have become quite a success...raise your glass! When you have been turned down and neglected or your talents have been placed in the "look at later or trash pile" and finally got a call or email from somone interested and you became ex...

A Mouth of Mess...

It is so amazing to me how much information we mouth.  Oh yeah this is the information age and we have desk top computers, lap tops, ipads, tablets, smart phones, nooks...we can even use skype, webex, face time...we have lots of ways to get in touch with people and communicate without even making any physical contact...but the one thing that has been with us since the beginning of time...the one thing that has carried conversation before all of our awesome technological our mouths.  Yes, we should use our mouths to voice things that can be miscommunicated by a gadget...we should use our mouths to answer the questions asked by us from our teachers to our Pastors to our friends...we should even use our mouths to shout the praises of our awesome God...but what we should not use our mouths gossip.  Yes that ugly but internationally used form of communication still rings in heavy today.  I wonder what we would do if we could not goss...

Let Go...Let Grow

As a mother it is so difficult to let go of your children, especially when it is time to do so.  Just recently I had to let my son go...after several years of trying to help him and trying to "grow" him, I realized that the only way this will happen is if I...let go.  Many teenagers go off to college after high school and it is then their parents have to learn to let them go so that they may become independent and realize what life is all about.  For their formative years, we as parents held on to them to nurture them and to protect them.  We knew where they were, how they were eating, when they were sleeping, etc., but when the time comes to let them know...nothing. We pray that everything you have instilled in them will manifest itself once they are out from under our protective covering...but we can only...hope.  My son did not go off to college.  He did not even finish high school because he didn't want to "do it" any longer.  That ...

A Birth...A Blessing

It has been a while since my last blog but it has been for good reason.  On Wednesday, August 27, 2014, I became a grandmother to a beautiful little boy, Mason Aamar.  He was 7 pounds 7 ounces and 19 inches long...and let me tell was certainly a moment in time when he came into the world.  Have you ever witnessed a live birth?  If not, I believe it is something that will give you a new perspective on see a new human being...a new life come into the a blessing. It also brought to mind how we as people have to wait...wait through the pain...wait through the pressure wait...through the agony...we have to wait until it's time.  Ruphani, Mason's mother, had dialated to a 10 and though normally you would start pushing...they asked her to wait.  They said that if they waited, it would allow Mason to press his way through the birth canal...on his own and then when he had made some progress or in their words, "looked like it had b...