
On The Edge of Calm

 2020 has been a year of complete chaos.  Wouldn't you agree?  From the beginning we witnessed the demise of one of basketball's greatest athletes, Kobe Bryant, and if that wasn't enough, just a few short months later we learned that a deadly virus had affected a few Americans and if contained would not affect the rest of us.  We know now that over 50 million worldwide have contracted this virus and over 1.25 million have died.  Because of this, we were forced to be shut down here in the US as they were all across the globe without interaction with our co-workers, our friends and our family members outside of our immediate households.  Grandparents were separated from their grandchildren and businesses were closed leaving some people without a job.  Lines to shopping centers became almost non-existent but lines for food and bare essentials stretched for miles. Essential workers made our day by keeping some of our favorite restaurants open and delivery ...

Why Does My Skin...Scare

In light of all that has been going on and will continue to go on until real change happens, I came to know something.  My skin...scares.  Let me elaborate on that for a moment. They say you only have one chance to make a good first impression but how can that be true when your first impression of me is...she scares me; he terrifies me; I feel unsafe with them around.  Who are you referring to? Is there someone behind me or did someone leave that was here that you feared? Oh, oh I get it.  It's me or should I say my skin that scares you. It's the tint that causes alarm.  It's the presence of a person whose skin is different from yours that triggers your fear mechanism; your defense mechanism; your judgement. The fact that you see me...not hear me...not feel me...not even take the time to get to know me but that you see me...heightens your awareness OF me.  Why is that I wonder.  Believe me, if you ever got to know me, talk to me, spend time in my p...

Treasure in Transition

It's been a moment since I last wrote to all of you about my thoughts.  Mainly because I have recently transitioned my body and my businesses to Florida.  I'M GETTING MARRIED!!! And though that is exciting in itself, there are many things that have happened in light of that exciting news.  I moved.  We moved.  My son and myself uprooted ourselves from everyone and everything we know and moved to a state where no one knows us and we know no one.  To a state where we had to begin again.  To a state where we had to find jobs, and doctors, and possibly new friends.  The transition has not been easy.  In fact it was met with some great difficulty and discouragement.  Financially we had to depend on one income, my fiance's and bills were no less and expenses were more.  I had my own money but paying my bills, it ran out. There were times in my head I thought this may not be the state for me regardless of my fiance and how much I love him....

Press In Your Pain

It has been a while since my last post but a lot has happened in and around me.  Some good, some not so good, but all came together to make me a stronger woman and for that, I am most thankful.  In the past few months I have learned how painful a press can be.  We hear that when life hands you lemons to make lemonade.  Well friends, that is easier said than done and I am sure there are a lot of you out there who agree with me.  When life hands you a lemon, most of us do not think of making lemonade rather, we think of the seeds that it contains and how sour it is to taste.  We think about how difficult it is to peel a lemon and the sting the smell can cause in your nose.  In other words we think about all of the things that make it difficult to get to that lemonade.  That my friends is process of pain. When we are in pain and I am not talking about physical pain per say, we hurt, we ache, we are uncomfortable, and we want to be left alone to dea...

A Time to Turn

In everyone's life there comes a time to turn.  Turn why, you ask?  Well if you have lived as long as I have, 50 years, you learn that your quality of life is much more important than your quatity of life. As you grow and develop relationships with others, at one time in your life those relationships are important to your continued growth.  But as you age, and my prayer is that you will, you learn that those relationships that at one time seemed to be beneficial to your very existence, are NO LONGER NEEDED. When I decided to move from my hometown and live in a totally different city and state and time zone, I knew that there were some people I was saying goodbye to, for the last time.  I knew there were people who while essential to my projects and my overall well being, no longer had a place in my life.  I knew this and with a sadness, accepted it.  When I returned, I no longer had a desire to be near them or associate with them.  I had made a turn....

Are You DUE?

So tax season has officially come to an end and many tax preparers and Accountants are thanking Heaven for this break, myself included.  But when things such as this come to an end, do you feel as if you are now...due? You've worked hard at accomplishing that goal so are you due?  You've mastered that class and getting ready to graduate from college so are you due?  You have put the finishing touches on that spring wedding and taken all of the crap from the families involved wanting this and wanting are you due?  You've done all you can to keep your credit straight and now you've closed on that new home so are you due? What do you think you are due for?  TIME OFF...RESTORATION...RELAXATION...A PAT ON THE BACK...A MARGARITA...RECOGNITION.  Yes after all you have done you are due some "me" time, time to look back at what has been done and smile at your accomplishments.  You've worked hard!  You've put up with crazy in-laws.  You'v...

Watch Your "Back"

Many times when we are involved in something be it for church, school, work or even a hobby we may have, we are surrounded by people who are in support of what we are doing.  We often hear, "I've got your back", and keep it moving feeling as if nothing and no one can harm us.  That even if someone tried, those who "have" our backs, will defend us and keep anyone who wants to cause harm or stop the progression of God in our lives, away from us.  We feel confident in that, and most times don't even bat an eye. But friends, we have to be in constant prayer as to who has our backs.  What do I mean by that? Well not everyone who says they HAVE your back should be AT your back.  Let me break it down even further.  If the person watching your back is trying to manipulate your circle, you need to change those or the one who is "backing" you.  Not everyone who says they have our backs, have our backs. Some are watching our backs only to gain entry into wh...