Be Angry...But Sin Not
As a child this scripture, which comes from Ephesians 4:26, was just that, scripture. But as a woman the meaning behind this scripture means so much. In light of what happened in Ferguson, the decision not to indict Officer Wilson, is stiffling. Am I angry, yes. Would I have liked to see a decision to indict Wilson, of course but just because I am angry and upset at our justice system, I cannot and will not use my anger against anyone or anything. We all have a voice and our voices can be heard clearly if we protest in the spirit of calm and order. Looting businesses, setting on fire buildings and police cars, stealing and even using our fists will not bring Michael Brown back nor will it prove we heard. It will only create more violence especially among those who have already set it in their do so. So what should we do? Well for starters, not participate in the looting, shooting, fire setting and fist pumpin...