
Showing posts from June, 2020

Why Does My Skin...Scare

In light of all that has been going on and will continue to go on until real change happens, I came to know something.  My skin...scares.  Let me elaborate on that for a moment. They say you only have one chance to make a good first impression but how can that be true when your first impression of me is...she scares me; he terrifies me; I feel unsafe with them around.  Who are you referring to? Is there someone behind me or did someone leave that was here that you feared? Oh, oh I get it.  It's me or should I say my skin that scares you. It's the tint that causes alarm.  It's the presence of a person whose skin is different from yours that triggers your fear mechanism; your defense mechanism; your judgement. The fact that you see me...not hear me...not feel me...not even take the time to get to know me but that you see me...heightens your awareness OF me.  Why is that I wonder.  Believe me, if you ever got to know me, talk to me, spend time in my p...