
Showing posts from 2019

Treasure in Transition

It's been a moment since I last wrote to all of you about my thoughts.  Mainly because I have recently transitioned my body and my businesses to Florida.  I'M GETTING MARRIED!!! And though that is exciting in itself, there are many things that have happened in light of that exciting news.  I moved.  We moved.  My son and myself uprooted ourselves from everyone and everything we know and moved to a state where no one knows us and we know no one.  To a state where we had to begin again.  To a state where we had to find jobs, and doctors, and possibly new friends.  The transition has not been easy.  In fact it was met with some great difficulty and discouragement.  Financially we had to depend on one income, my fiance's and bills were no less and expenses were more.  I had my own money but paying my bills, it ran out. There were times in my head I thought this may not be the state for me regardless of my fiance and how much I love him....