
Showing posts from December, 2015

The Greatest Gift...of All.

It has been a while since my last post because of marketing my new web series, but it is time for me to address something that I think a lot of us ignore. Christmas is the time of year many of us are thankful for many things including family, friends, and for some our unyielding faith in an almighty and merciful God.  But for some, this time of year does not bring presents, or joy or even fellowship; it brings sorrow, pain and depression.  You see, everyone around you may be joyful and full of life, but there are those who wish that this time of year would pass without even a blink...that no one would feel happiness and joy...that gift giving would cease so that they may crawl back into their corner of despair and uncertainty and not deal with the pressures of life. These people exist and most times, right under our noses.  Not everyone who smiles, is happy just like not everyone who cries, is sad.  There are people who smile just to keep from keep yo...